=====Amazon SES SMTP server configuration===== First of all, please, make sure that LUCY version is updated to 4.6.7 or later. In case you are not aware of your Amazon SES SMTP credentials please follow this instruction from Amazon: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/smtp-credentials.html * Proceed to **Settings -> SMTP Servers** and click **Add server** button. {{ amazon-ses.png?600 }} * Enter chosen Amazon SES SMTP endpoint to the SMTP server field. List of Amazon SES SMTP endpoints is here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/smtp-connect.html * Set **SMTP port** to 587 or 2587. * In the **SMTP Encryption** drop-down menu, please, choose **STARTTLS** option * Enter your credentials to **SMTP login** and **SMTP password** fields. * Click **Save** {{ amazon-ses2.png?400 }}