Table of Contents

Risk Assessment

The Risk Assessment feature is redesigned for LUCY >4.7.

To use the feature simply launch Campaign Wizard.
On the campaign configuration step expand the Advanced settings and set Company Size and Type.
On a template selection step, it is possible to notice an option "Only display recommended templates according to your industry type and size".

The information below is related to LUCY <4.7.

Instead of showing only raw data about how many users have been successfully phished, we can additionally provide a risk assessment methodology in LUCY, that shows the exposure to certain threats. We can classify different types of threats/Likelihoods such as

In LUCY we implemented only a part of the 2nd analysis step and in the coming releases, this feature will be improved.

Using the risk assessment in LUCY

Select the campaign type "risk assessment" in campaign wizard:

Select your company size and industry type. Then you will be presented a recommended set of attack templates:

Please try to use a variation of different attack types (hyperlink, web-based & file based) to get a better understanding, how your employees react to different threats. You will find the risk specific threats within the campaign statistics under "risk assessment".

Note: The Risk Assessment functionality is available only on a commercial license and via a setup wizard.