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LUCY comes with different mail delivery options:

  1. Delivery via (built-in) internal mail server (Postfix)
  2. Delivery via an external mail relay (SMTP)
  3. Delivery via pre-paid external mail relay (HTTP)

Delivery via external mail relay (SMTP) within a campaign

Please Note: You can define the mail delivery method on a globally within the settings menu. If you do so, it will overwrite all individual settings in a campaign. The second possibility is to configure the delivery methods within a campaign:

Delivery via external mail relay (SMTP) using the general settings

This chapter concerns the general mail settings which can be set globally for all campaigns. If you might have different delivery methods in campaigns, please define the individual message delivery method within the campaign itself.

In LUCY the default delivery method for mails is using the built-in Postfix mail server. As many SPAM filters will block emails coming from a new IP-address that has no reputation, the administrator can decide to configure an external mail relay. In LUCY this is done under settings/mail settings & settings/SMTP servers:

To use an external SMTP server you will first need to add your mail server by clicking the "add mail server" button:

In the second step you need to enter the mail server details:

In step 3 you can select now the mail server which you previously added in "settings/mail settings" to define your default delivery method:

Configuration of using a pre-paid, external mail server (via HTTP)

In LUCY you can use a pre-paid, external mail server with an excellent reputation as your default communication method. In this model, we use an API to Sendgrid ( that allows us to communicate via HTTP to an external mail server to initiate the mail delivery. There are few advantages to this model especially if all other methods of mail delivery fail due to SPAM filtering. You can configure LUCY to use a pre-paid external mail server in two ways:

  1. Generic settings for all campaigns: select the HTTP method within "settings/mail settings". You will then be presented the option to define the mails sender domain or mail sender name. This setting will overwrite the individual setting within a campaign and ensure that all emails in LUCY are send using this method:

- Campaign specific delivery method: if you did not specify any generic mail delivery method in "settings/mail settings" you can configure the mail delivery as well in every single campaign under the scenario settings in "mail settings":

If you pick "HTTP" as your delivery method then you will have only a limited number of domains you can choose as a sender address:

On the recipient side the email might look as follows (depending on the domain you picked):

The list of external mail domains will continuously be expanded with each LUCY release.

Please note: if a recipient of such an e-mail will press reply, the reply address will be something like "". If he still answers to the mail he will get an error with a non-delivery report. So you won't be able to catch answers to those pre-defined e-mail domains.

Pricing:: sending up to 100 emails using the external HTTP mail server is free. Every extra mail will cost 1.3 cents. Please make sure you have enough credits before starting the campaign.

Mail Sender Domains for HTTP Proxy: the following mail sender domains are pre-configured



mail_delivery_methods_in_lucy.1564051797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/25 12:49 by