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LUCY comes with different template types:

  • Data Entry Templates: Templates where the user is asked to enter confidential information on a Landing Page. This may be usernames & password or any information submitted within a web form.
  • File-Based Templates: Templates where the user is asked to download and execute a file (can be any file type) within an email message or a web page.
  • Hyperlink Templates: Templates where the user is asked to click on the link in an email message. After that the user gets redirected to the URL specified in the Scenario Settings.
  • Mixed Templates: Combined Data Entry & File-Based templates - the user is encouraged to enter confidential information on the page and execute the downloaded file.
  • Malware Test Templates: This feature allows the user to perform security checks without involving employees outside the IT department. Determine the Malware related vulnerabilities on Network, System and application levels.
  • Awareness-Based Templates: Templates where the user will receive training.


Please note: If you edit a scenario template within a campaign, the changes in the template will only apply to the campaign. If you change a scenario template in the generic settings, then the changes in the template are permanent.


Beside the templates above LUCY is also able to perform more attack simulations. Those simulations can be choosen within the templates itself. Examples:

Note: The scenarios can still be edited or deleted after they have been selected. Each page can also be overwritten manually or using the automated website copy feature. If you don’t want to use any of the predefined templates, you can use the “blank” template in each category.

scenario_types.1498112421.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/25 12:50 (external edit)