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If the scheduler is not working go through the following checks:

  1. Apply the latest patches (/admin/settings/update) and make sure you did a reboot after the updates
  2. Make sure the time & time zone are both correct (/admin/settings)
  3. Make sure your license has enough credits and is not outdated (/admin/settings/license)
  4. Set a scheduler for a campaign with one simple rule (a few minutes in the future), then start the campaign & wait at least one hour to exclude any problems with the accuracy of the time settings

We published a few patches to the scheduler in the past. If you created a campaign and then afterwards applied the patch, the scheduler won't work. You need to create a new campaign and new scheduler rule after the patch.

If the problem still persists, please contact us and if possible open SSH access for us (/admin/help/ssh).

scheduler_is_not_working.1462280266.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/25 12:51 (external edit)