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Import a webpage

You can upload your own webpage by clicking the "Upload" button on a Landing Page template.

The web page should be archived in a zip file. All HTML files should be placed into the root folder. The archive can contain external files and resources - they should be placed either into the same folder as HTML files, or into a sub-folder.

Useful File Names:

  • index.html — Main file of the template, the entry point of your Landing Page.
  • account.html — The page user sees after a successful login.

If your page contains a login form, its action should be set to "?login", so all password-capturing mechanisms will work properly.

Note: If you upload a site that is not W3C conform it won't be saved. Here is a simple example of a an archive file that gives you an idea how the webpage can be saved in order to work for the upload.

Import an Email

You can upload an Email template within the message template section:

Tips: you can also just copy the content of a HTML Email and paste it into the visual editor

upload_your_web_page.1597219915.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/12 10:11 by lucy