Table of Contents

Install Screener in Linux

Which OS is required for the docker installation of Screener?

Screener supports docker and therefore runs on all known Linux systems ( Docker Engine is supported on Linux, Cloud, Windows, and OS X. Installation instructions are available for the following:

On Linux:

Step 1. Get Docker installed.

Skip this step if Docker is already in place.
Log into your Linux environment and get the Docker installation script by:

wget && mv index.html && bash 

Step 2. Load Docker image.

Load the Screener Image into the Docker subsystem by:

docker load -i Screener_image.tar.gz 

Step 3. Start the Docker Container.

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 25:25 -p 5001:5001 -p 5432:5432 --name screener --restart=always screener-image:latest /bin/bash /etc/ 

Step 4. Start the First Time Configuration script.

 docker exec -it screener /etc/ 

After the execution of the command, the First Time Configuration script will be displayed.
It suggests doing Automatic Configuration. It is recommended to accept it by pressing "Y".

The script displays the internal Docker IPv4 and the login data.
Use IPv4 of the host to get Web Access to the instance.

Step 5. Start using the Screener.

This article should be helpful.

Installation problem? Contact our support

In case you are planning to purchase Screener or you are already a commercial client you can contact to open a ticket. We will get in touch with you within 24 hours.