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Based on the amount of successful attack simulations for an individual user, you can assign a specific e-learning template in LUCY. If a user didn't fall for a phishing simulation yet, you might want to assign a different e-learning content than for a user who continuously submitted sensitive data in previous phishing simulations.

:!: License required: Premium Edition or higher.


  1. Click on awareness settings in your campaign
  2. Add at least 2 e-learning templates to your campaign
  3. You can sort the templates and set the (1) "risk level" (the "level" number represents the overall number of successful attacks the recipient passed before showing that particular awareness) by clicking on the up/down arrows (2)
  4. Make sure you enabled either "send the link to awareness automatically" in the scenario settings of the according scenario template or you placed the awareness redirect URL within the landing page template in the campaign. More info here.


Let's assume you configured for your users three attack templates in a campaign and 3 awareness templates. You would send out all three attack templates to all users. So each user would get 3 phishing simulations. The levels you defined are:

  • Level 0: Avoid & Recognize Phishing Attacks (V 2.2)
  • Level 1: General Security Awareness Course (V 2.3)
  • Level 2: Mixed Awareness - Long | with Language Sel.1.2

If a user now falls for the first phishing simulation and had no previous record of getting successfully phished, he would get the awareness course "Avoid & Recognize Phishing Attacks (V 2.2)". If he falls again for the second simulation, he would receive the e-learning course "General Security Awareness Course (V 2.3)". If the same user also clicks on the third attack scenario, he will get the "Mixed Awareness - Long | with Language" course.

assign_multiple_e-learning_templates_based_on_user_reputation_level.1597220305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/12 10:18 by lucy