Table of Contents

Monitor the progress of the campaign: all available campaign statistics

Where can I see the logged data?

The progress of the campaign can always be monitored in "real-time" under the statistics tabs or after a campaign using the reporting options or the CSV export. If you run only one scenario, you can look at the statistics in the Top Menu called “Statistics”.

Real time statistics in LUCY

When you access the "summary" overview page you see the overall campaign statistics. Only if you add an awareness content to your campaign, you will see the circle statistics:

If you access "statistics" tab, you will have at least 11 submenus:

The following list of information can be collected within a phishing campaign:


* Time based stats: How long does the user stay on each landing page?


* User history: Historical user statistics


View the collected data from users (passwords, uploads etc.)

The actual collected data (user passwords, Output from Tools) are located within the scenario. You need to select “Collected Data” and the related scenario.

When you click “Click to View”, you are able to see the detailed data.


See advanced recipient statistics

When you click on Recipients, you can see the details about the user who clicked on a link, participated in an awareness campaign etc. Just click on the name and a sub menu with all details will open. The exact output of BeEF or the awareness page can be opened beneath each recipient (just click on the link to expand the details):

Note - Opened Emails Statistics: The general statistics are presented on the campaign Overview page. It also contains a statistics called “Opened Emails”. This statistic is based on a tracking image within the email. Many email clients will block the automatic download of images. As a result, this number might not be very accurate.


Note - Clicks Statistics: Some users might click on the link twice or refresh the webpage. This has also an effect on the “Clicks” or “Form Submits”.

Starting with LUCY 4.4 you have also a user history, that will show you all historical events related to a specific user for this and other campaigns. Please click on "user history" to open the timeline below:

Track e-learning (awareness)

LUCY allows you to monitor the eLearning Stats and track:

How can LUCY monitor the learning access?

Similar to the phishing page each awareness landing page has a randomized URL variable which could look like this: (where “Zhsdg3” is a randomized string generated in LUCY that is associated with a unique mail address). When the user makes a GET request to that URL, LUCY knows that the eLearning page has been accessed by the user and the user counts as trained. It is irrelevant for LUCY if on that awareness page has an embedded video or just some static HTML. If you want to go further and track if and how specific content is accessed within a landing page you need to click on “quiz enabled” within the awareness page (see You can use this embedded JavaScript to track basically any interaction on the awareness website (e.g. Place a START button to play a video and set the starting point for the script accordingly). If you want to see examples on how the interactive eLearning is implemented we recommend taking a look at some existing templates (e.g.

How can the awareness data be exported?

You can access the awareness data via:

Where are the training results located on the dashboard?

a) General training statistics can be accessed within a campaign under "summary"

b) The summarized training results can be accessed within a campaign under "statistics/awareness website"

c) The detailed training results for each recipients can be accessed under "statistics/recipients". You can sort the table by trained/untrained and at the bottom you can see the exact results (answers) from the specific user. If configured, you could also see the reputation level

Where can the recipient see his training results?

The recipient can access his training results via the end user page, where he is also able to print a certificate if he passed the training.

Note: If you want to track how users perform on an interactive quiz you need to activate this feature.

Deleting Data in Statistics

Compare Different Campaigns

Using the compare button within a single campaign you are able to compare the campaign statistics among different campaigns. In order to compare campaigns please go to "statistics" within the campaign and then click on "compare".

LUCY will allow you to compare your current campaign against all other campaigns visible for the current client.

Common Questions regarding the stats