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Setup tutorial for virtual box

1) Download the latest free version of Virtual box here:

2) Extract the contents of the ZIP file you downloaded from our page (e.g.

3) Open the ovf file by clicking “Import appliance”. Make sure your virtual server has at least 4 GB RAM and 100 GB HDD available.


4) Click “Import”.

5) Set the Network adapter to “bridged”.

6) Click “Start”.

7) Start the Virtual Box image and initiate the installation script. If you already have a domain name for LUCY, please make sure that you specify it within the setup script as the certificate for the administration will be based on that domain name.

8) Login to LUCY with a Webbrowser. Continue the setup in the browser using the credentials provided in the setup script. If you want to install a commercial version, please provide us with the workstation ID.

9) Define your default mail delivery method in LUCY. In case you use the build in mail server: set the hostname for the mail server.

10) Setup a domain in LUCY. This domain can be used for phishing simulations (landing pages) or the e-learning portal.

11) Create a trusted certificate for the administration of LUCY.

12) Create all required administrators users in LUCY.

13) Download all of the latest templates

14) Update LUCY to the latest version

15) Consider implementing additional security layers

16) Give LUCY a custom branding

17) Once you are all set you can try to setup your first campaign. If you experience issues with mail delivery (e.g. SPAM filtering), look through this chapter. If your test emails do not arrive at all, please consult this article.

Installation problem? Contact our support

In case you are planning to purchase LUCY or you are already a commercial client you can contact to open a ticket. We will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

installing_lucy_in_virtualbox.1597915360.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/20 11:22 by lucy