Using Multiple Awareness Trainings
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You want to send specific training content based on the recipient's department, skill level, or other natural grouping, and these recipients are already grouped accordingly (e.g. a recipient group for each department has already been created).
You want to send specific training content to each recipient based on their risk level, and these recipients are all in the same group.
In this method we will add multiple recipient groups to a campaign and send them all different trainings by binding each recipient group to an awareness group.
Add each awareness training to the campaign:
Select Awareness Groups from the campaign configuration menu and create one group per training:
By default a group called Default Group already exists. You cannot delete the only awareness group in a campaign, so you must create at least one other group first and then delete the default.
Return to the Awareness Settings and select a training. Go to the Awareness Groups tab and assign the awareness group you created for that training:
To assign an awareness group select it from the menu and click Bind.
Repeat this step for every training scenario, until each one is bound to a different group:
Go the Recipients page and select Add Group. Select your recipients and at the bottom of the page select an awareness group to bind it to those recipients:
Save to continue and repeat this step for each awareness group.
You can use the same group multiple times and bind recipients to multiple awareness groups. If a recipient is bound to multiple awareness groups they will receive each training bound to them.
In this method we will add one recipient group to a campaign and send the users in that group different trainings depending on their reputation level (also called risk score or risk level).
Add each awareness training to the campaign:
Note the auto-incrementing Risk Level for each training.
You can adjust these levels by using the +
and -
Trainings may not have the same Risk Level.
By default, the lone awareness group is named after the first training that was added. For clarity's sake you should rename the group to something like "Default" or another descriptive name. Whatever you name the Awareness Group, just make sure you have only one - we will use this group in the next step when we add recipients.
Add all of your recipients and select the lone awareness group under Scenarios.
Once complete, your awareness settings should look like this: